
Holiday Hunts

Heads up, hunters!  The holidays are upon us and the mad rush of hunts has begun!!!  FlopHouse has some gifts coming your way if you are willing to tp this way and find them.  Here's the scoop on our holiday hunts:

Peace on Earth Gridwide Hunt - No. 240
Dec 1, 2009 – Jan 2, 2010
For this hunt vendors are encouraged to create something to foster global peace, diversity, and cross-cultural understanding.  Gifts are made especially for this hunt to reflect these themes, be that something specific to the builder's culture, faith, or beliefs, or something about peace in general.  The hunt is also unique in that the entries are juried... in order for a vendor to be approved, at least 3 of the judges had to agree that there was something in that store worth going back for.  FlopHouse is offering a Tibetan Prayer Flag Hutch and a box of full perm prayer flag textures I created in Gimp based on the flags at my rl home.  Pics and more info can be found in the Flickr photo stream for the hunt and on the Opium Fashion Agency blog.  The official blog for the hunt, with a listing of all participants, can be found here.

Santa's Lil' Helper Hunt - No. 24
Dec 1-31, 2009
This hunt is all about holiday fun.  100 vendors lined up to bring some jolly to the holly.  FlopHouse (#24 in the hunt) is delighted to join Santa's Lil' Helpers in offering you a little something extra for your stocking this holiday.  Specifically, look under an odd sort of tree in the shop for the Santa's Lil' Helper hunt box to find two old fashioned holiday patterned fainting couches with a unisex reclining animation that you can reposition to fit your own size and frame.  One is creme with a vintage "Jingle Bells" pattern and the other, "Blue Angels" is, well, blue with little angels. Matching tiny and/or pet sized sofas are also included in both sets.  8 sofas in all, 2 sizes 4 styles.  The gift also contains a green crew shirt with a bunny motif that can be worn on multiple layers.

Curse O Da Black Pearl Hunt - No. 71
Dec 15, 2009 to Jan 15, 2010
Had enough of all the red and green?  How about some black?  Black pearls, that is.  This pirate themed hunt is sure to bring you plenty of adventure and add a little spice to the season.  You'll find FlopHouse at #71 in this hunt.  Included in the Curse O Da Black Pearls hunt object (pssst.... check the pirate ship, matey) are a skulls and roses patterned fainting couch set, a "Doom Bunny" black hoody that can be worn on multiple layers, and a bunny skull and crossbones pirate hat.

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